(NB: This project is in its earliest stages of
development. Further development will depend on public interest
and other factors.)
Party Purpose:
To affirm the paramount importance of life in public
policy: human life, animal life, and the living environment.
To educate voters on the responsibility and power of their vote, at least to
refuse to vote for death-promoting policies, such as: elective abortion legalization or funding, euthanasia legalization,
or unnecessary harm to the living environment.
To encourage the use of our society’s best technology away
from war and towards supporting life (more efficiently with
less environmental harm).
With sufficient public interest, to be a real political
party in Canada offering Canadian voters a life-affirming voting
Current Activities:
Petitions/Boycotts to Sign:
The Canadian
Pro-Life Voting Commitment
Psychiatric Defenses to Murder Charges in Canada!